Restoration Revolution Report

  • Point data intersecting with the Little Calumet River's watershed taken from Lee Bott's 2006 report "The Restoration Revolution in Northwest Indiana". The text below comes from a Northwest Indiana Times article on the report posted October 16, 2006...

    The project began as part of her role as senior adviser to the Quality of Life Council. Ten agencies co-sponsored the report, including NIRPC, the Save the Dunes Conservation Fund, Indiana University Northwest Center for Regional Excellence, Northwest Indiana Forum, Shirley Heinze Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Habitat Council, Coffee Creek Conservancy, Taltree Arboretum and the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Botts used a two-page survey mailed in the spring to restoration groups, agencies and governments involved in restoration asking them to detail their restoration projects. The surveys were then followed up by calls and letter.